“The LEAP Program I went on was one of the most enriched experiences I have ever had.”

American Participant, 2017

Upcoming Trips:


Six Reasons to Travel with LEAP

1. Travel with global AND American students

Unlike most international exchange programs in which you visit another country with a large group of American students, LEAP4change offers unique themed programs in which you can engage as partners with both American and global students from other countries.  

For example, our most recent global trip brought Americans together with students from Portugal, Italy, Spain, Syria, the Netherlands, Estonia, the UK, and Russia.

This way, students test their assumptions, see the world from diverse perspectives, increase their cultural competency skills, and build global partnerships to impact their world together.

2. Make true connections that last – not fade away after you return home.

You pack your bags, fly with anticipation, make amazing connections, fly home amazed at what you have experienced, fully committed to stay in touch. But then life happens. School takes over.  Local friendships overshadow the memories until one day, with all the best of intentions, you realize you have lost touch. The LEAP experience is built to ensure this does not happen. Here is how:

3. Build International partnerships defined by a common purpose.

Have you ever had the opportunity to build a global partnerships to impact your world? Now you can! Your LEAP coach is committed to ensure that your time together is intentionally designed to build a true international partnership with a purpose.

Your partnership becomes an empowered team of global students who are commitment to make an impact on our world…together.  By defining your purpose, your partnership now has a reason to stay together upon your return or else your vision for change will never be realized.   

4. Change your world.. your way.. together.

Today, students go on trips to do the work designed by others. At LEAP4change, students have the opportunity to assess, envision, design and implement their OWN program to change our world. This process transforms a traditional short term, global trip into a long-term, sustainable program of impact, designed by YOU. In summary:  You dream.. We coach…You change our world… Together.

5. Become a more confident, worldly and emotionally intelligent voyager

Working together with a LEAP coach, students and their partners will confidently test their assumptions, see the world from diverse perspectives, become more emotionally intelligent and increase their cultural competency skills. These skills are not learned by simply traveling.  They are acquired with intentional self reflection. At LEAP4change, our coaches make it fun to see yourself anew, see how the world sees you and empower you to reach your personal potential as a local and global leader.

6. A volunteer checks off boxes.  A LEAP4change student builds a resume to stand out.

Colleges and employers no longer see travel as exceptional. And even more important, they see travel as an experience afforded by the wealthy.  Therefore, there are at least 3 reasons to make sure your trip prepares you to build a resume where you stand out as an entrepreneurial leader, not just a volunteer:

  1. Your success and your future literally depends on your personal social, emotional and cultural growth.
  2. Travel as an American with Americans no longer prepares you for the global marketplace you will enter.
  3. A volunteer checks off boxes on a resume.

A LEAP4change student builds a resume that stands out…a story of impact, vision, commitment, collaboration, cultural competencies, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship and sustainable change.